![]() My life before art was quite varied. I worked in corporate before exploring the world of self and personal development, amongst my qualifications I am a Certified Life & Business Coach, Cognitive Therapy Practitioner, Breakthrough Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. Believe it or not these specific qualifications also help me in my art business. In art and life you have problems to solve every day both in your business and your artwork. There is one word that helps break down the problem and delve into the issue. It has three little letter and yet it has a BIG impact! Are you wondering what that word might be? I was introduced to the process over 25 years ago and it still works today as effectively as it has done in the past. The word is Why? Yes, three little letters with a big impact. I am going to break this down in to the most simplistic format for the purpose of this post. When something isn’t quite right or you want to confirm you are doing the right thing as yourself why. You keep going to at least 5 or until you have exhausted all answers, you eventually get closer to the reality and your truth. If you have children or remember being a child, what was the one word that drives parents insane? Why! Let’s never stop asking this powerful question, you never know where it will lead. So back to how it helps me in life and my art. An example, say I have a painting and it isn’t working, I ask myself why. Answer: It feels like it is off balance. Why? Answer: The composition is wrong. Why? Answer: The horizon line is off putting. Why? Answer: It isn’t in the right place. Why? Answer: It’s breaking the painting up, by being in the middle of the painting. You can see from my example; by asking why, I concluded as to why the painting composition isn’t working. Now I now how to fix it, work on my horizon line. This is a very cutdown version of the power of why, I am sure you can find more online about the power of why. Next time you have a little dilemma, try my little trick, you might just be amazed at how powerful a word it can be. Featured Artwork: Unnamed (Available Feb '25) If you would like to share a thought, please comment below.
![]() I have mentioned before the benefits of using a sketchbook or journal on a regular basis. I have several sketchbook/journals on the go, ranging from a watercolour book, one dedicated to en plein air, messy background journal and one for courses I do. Each one has a unique voice and job within my creating zone, each one is special and exquisite with all the flaws. I was gifted by my hubby a beautiful A4 journal last year and that has been my journal for doing grid creations. I have a template I use with the option of four large grids or six smaller grids. In this journal I experiment with colour, shapes, stamps, stencils, materials, mediums, designs and more. Using the grid, I generally work on all of them at the same time. Adding colour, subtracting colour, creating marks, removing marks and challenging myself to be brave and crazy. These grids give me a library of experimentation with no expectation. There are things in there I truly love and other parts I don’t. Each grid or series of grids have a purpose, they are a reference library for future works. I can look back for inspiration, I can see what worked and what didn’t work. I can look at several grids and from those come up with an artwork I would like to produce. Grid work is also a great way to get the creative flow working if it just isn’t happening. Because the grids are small, I can work on a few with only a ten or fifteen minute time frame. This gives me the chance to be creative every day without having to allocate hours. The sketchbooks and journals are precious to me and many don’t see the light of day, they are my safe place to experiment, have fun and practise. They are similar to a diary with your innermost thoughts. On occasions, I share a book with my class to show them how beneficial they are and what I use them for. The photo above is a sample from one of my sketchbooks/journal. Feel free to leave a comment below. ![]() When I run classes at any of the programs I run, including at my studio "Art in the Garden Room", I always recommend to sign the artwork and date it on the back. I wish I had done this when I started back painting. Fortunately, modern technology means I can work out dates based on the photos on my phone. I love to look back and see the progression in my artwork, how my brushstrokes have changed, my colour palette and style changes. My art has always been inspired by nature, the style and colour palette has changed over time, yet my artwork continues to be inspired by nature. Over time, I realised, I prefer to paint impressionistic and abstract work, using mixed media. When we look back at our artwork it can trigger ideas, identify what we love, what we prefer to leave behind and monitor our development. Looking back can move you forward to exciting new ideas, spark joy in following your own artistic journey and create a sense of accomplishment. This is why, I highly recommend having a sketchbook for practice as well as a safe private place for experimentation. Do you sign and date your work? Do you like looking at an artist's earlier work? Feel free to leave a comment below. Featured Artwork: Spring Meadow ![]() I love attending art classes, as a participant. I get to take the time to be in my own creative head space. I learn different techniques, mediums and experiment with new ideas. One idea that really got me excited was painting using a messy background to create figures and florals. So excited was I that on I continued on with the process and felt a newfound excitement in what I was creating. The excitement felt like I was a child back playing, creating and making some really fun art. Before I knew it, I had started to create some really cute gals, they needed names and a story as they came to life before my eyes. GIven my work is inspired by nature, these classy ladies are a departure to my current works. So why have I called them "Mildred Paints"? I felt child like and free when creating these beauties. well, here is the short story behind it. When I was a small child, possibly from a baby, my Dad had a nickname for me. I don't know where it came from, how he came up with it, but I loved it. As he did the countdown to throwing me into bed at bedtime, he would call me "Mildred Knickynooker". I love the name; it brings back memories of me as a child with my Mum and Dad. So there you have it, why I have called this series "Mildred Paints". I feel like these gals could be your friends, family member or you....... who knows. I had so much fun creating them, plus loads of feedback that they made people laugh. Mildred Paints was born, bringing colour and playfulness to my art practice. I hope you enjoy them as much as I love creating them. They are going to be around for a long time. Featured Artwork: Carla and the girls Feel free to leave a comment below ![]() When was the last time you played with no agenda, no outcome required, and just faffed around? As each year passes into adulthood, we are less likely to experience a time of play as priorities and responsibilities change. Spending time doing something fun without any particular required outcome, or faffing about, I like to call it, is relaxing and can be very cathartic. As an artist, we are encouraged to play, experiment and just let go of the outcome. This weekend I spent time in my studio and decided to have a play with my watercolours. Throwing on some colour in my sketchbook and letting it dry, I looked at what I could make of the wash I had laid down. I had no intention for what I was doing, I had no desired outcome, I was going to play. Allowing time to experiment, play and let go of outcomes can lead to some amazing discoveries. I mostly use a sketchbook for any playtime and can reference anything I have done that I can use in future artwork. Enjoying the moment and letting go of the outcome can be so rewarding on so many levels. My hubby likes to get out in the garden and move things around, pot up plants, change locations of items and spend time experimenting with what looks good and what he can do to improve an area. There isn't any specific outcome in mind, just time lost in his thoughts and in the garden. Whether it be in the art studio, the garden, tinkering in the shed or fussing in a craft room, the joy of playing can't be beaten. Do you take time to play without a specific outcome? Leave a comment below to share what you do. Featured Artwork: A pen and wash, from my watercolour sketchbook |
AuthorLee Cummins is a mixed media artist, workshop and art class facilitator. Archives
January 2025