![]() For the first time in a long time, I have had extended time off over the festive season. I was able to spend time with my Mum and dad who visited from Perth for Christmas. I can honestly say it has been very cathartic. The recent hot weather here in Melbourne meant that my hubby and I spent two days in the aircon, reading, watching a bit of TV and doing mundane things in the house. It was fabulous! Each year at the end of the year, I sit down and think about what I would like for the coming year. I then create a vision board for that year. This is also the time I tick off what was achieved on the current years vision board. Except for one bold audacious goal, everything had a tick next to it for 2024. This was very pleasing to see. Although, we can start a project, set goals, make plans and move ourselves forward any day of the year, the start of the year seems to be the one most people choose as a line in the sand. Some of the areas I want to focus on in 2025 to make positive changes are in in the area of my personal and creative life. Often, we can put areas on hold to focus on another area, which can lead to an imbalance. So, what does this have to do with art? Having a balanced life can help in so many ways with your creativity and can open up the portal to success in every area. I am aiming on spending time catching up with people I didn’t get to spend as much time with as I would have liked to. I also want to spend more time creating for myself. It is true I create art with each art class I run, that is my practice sessions so to speak, I mean creating pieces that sing to me. I want to Spend time experimenting and playing using my sketchbooks. Now all I must do is fit this in with my planned travel and classes for 2025. What a great problem to have, don’t you think? How do you start the new year? Leave your comments below Featured photo: A page from my grid sketchbook "Loose & abstract landscapes"
![]() A few years ago, now, I attended a course that had all of us working on multiple paintings at one time using a grid. I found it to be exhilarating. AT that particular course the substrate was divided into six equal sectors. You worked across the entire painting (abstract) ignoring the tape that divided your work. Once the paint had dried and the final marks were placed on your artwork it was time for the big reveal. As you pulled away the tape, individual paintings came to life. What had looked like a mish mash of paint and marks became beautiful pieces of work to be admired and appreciated. Since completing the course, I continue to use this method when creating mini works ensuring that I keep a loose flow to my pieces. With my open studio happening next month, I have been using this method to create some mini loose landscapes. My Natures Twist series was also completed this way, I laid out my canvas panels along a large table and worked on the pieces as a group as opposed to each individual one. I find colour consistency and the looseness of the work produces artwork I can not create when working on singular work. Do you prefer loose landscapes or my realistic landscapes? Please leave your comments below. Featured Artwork: Half Past Three from the Natures Twist series ![]() As much as we would love everyone to like our art, it's impossible. We all have different tastes, budgets and opinions. Did you know if you have an artist in your life, for that matter anyone with a small business, you can still support them, it's not just about the sale. Your support is just as important as the sale. Here are 5 ways to support a small business or the artist in your life. Follow the business on the socials. Social media plays an important role in helping to grow the visibility and reach of the artist. If you share their posts and work, this has a huge impact on them being able to build their community. Liking, loving and commenting on posts also assists with the algorithms on the different platforms and shows you value their contribution. Go to the show. Artists participate in open-call exhibitions, solo exhibitions, and open studio events. Attending an artist's show or event is one of the best ways to support them. By showing up you are supporting them, showing you care about them and their work. There would be nothing worse than going to all the effort of putting on an event and there are very few people in attendance or no familiar friendly faces as moral support. Word of mouth is one of the most valuable forms of advertising. Talking about your family or artist friend to others is a great way to introduce new people to their art. Ask if they know the artist, if they don't suggest they look them up, or even better, share a link to the socials. Attend an art class. I am a bit biased on this, as you probably know, I run over a hundred art classes a year. It's a numbers game when it comes to running classes. Classes going ahead generally come down to the numbers being enough for a class or program to go ahead. If you have always wanted to join a class, why not enrol for a class? You never know, you might find your passion for art. Shop local. Have you ever been stuck with having to buy a gift for a surprise invitation? Local artists often have framed artwork ready to go. Check in on your local artist, to see if they have an artwork to your taste and budget. If you are local, they may even offer to deliver on the day. There you have it, five simple ways to support a local artist, family member or friend. You will be surprised how much they appreciate your support. How do you support your local community, small business or artist? Comment below. Featured Artwork: Cityscape on the river ![]() Just this weekend, I was gifted a weekend to myself. Hubby headed off to a blokes weekend in the country and I had the house to myself. As our little fluffy mate passed away over three months ago, there was no one relying on me or waiting for me. I was as free as a bird to do as I pleased. The monthly paint-out had been postponed due to inclement weather. This had been my only commitment over the weekend. After heading out for some extra art supplies I headed back to my studio with the heater blasting and started on a project I had not had time to do for months. The panels I had purchased had sat there on my shelving teasing me every time I went into the art shed. They would look at me and I at them, wishing I had the time to take them off the shelf, unwrap them and then cover them with creamy delicious acrylic paint. I started slowly on my idea using paper and working on my idea for the eight panels. Suddenly two hours had slipped by as I worked on a small 20cm x 20cm piece. I was happy with the outcome. Finally, the next day I set up in the garden room with panels, paint, water, brushes, palettes and paper towels, I was ready. I could now start on my project giving it my full attention. Throughout the process, I mixed an array of colours, used a variety of mark-making tools and skimmed books for the right words to jump out at me for the collage. It was exhilarating, to say the least. I didn't stop for a coffee or a break, I was so focused and in my zone. After many hours, I was finished, it was time to sit back and let them dry so they could be varnished. The gift of a weekend to enjoy creating was invigorating, peaceful and filled with what I love to do. I think you need one of these weekends once and a while. How would you spend the gift of a weekend to yourself? Leave your comment below. Featured artwork: Unscaled Peaks and Uncharted Waters ![]() At the time of writing, this morning was the monthly paint out on a cold, windy and drizzly morning. It would have been oh, so easy to snuggle up in bed and not venture out into the Melbourne Autumn weather. Yet, eight of us rugged up, packed up art supplies and made our way to the park and gathered under the rotunda. We all came with varying degrees of art kits, chairs, cushions and layers. For some it was the first time to paint en plein air, for others, it was a familiar way to spend a Saturday. We were all there for the enjoyment of spending some time to indulge in our love of creating, being outdoors and most importantly connecting with like-minded creatives. The monthly paint out sessions is not about who makes the prettiest work, the best kit or has the best skills, it is about the enjoyment of connection, and the people, it is about painting and creating too. I believe the biggest benefit of the monthly paint out is putting ourselves in the priority seat. It's great to take two hours once a month on a weekend to say hey everyone “I’m not available on this morning, this is my morning of meeting up and doing what I enjoy.” The pleasure that is derived from being in the fresh air, chatting with familiar friendly faces and losing yourself on the page of the sketchbook is so fulfilling. Sharing ideas, tips, and stories and finding out more about each other is building a new group of people to enjoy. As we pack up and finish our hot drinks, the chatter reaches a crescendo of last-minute info and well wishes until the next time we meet. We all head off back to our various tasks for the day, helping each other to take our bits and bobs to the car, and then off we go. And that is what meeting monthly and painting outdoors is all about, painting, people and priorities. Do you want to join us? It’s free and everyone is welcome. Visit here to register for the next one. ![]() I can sit and while away hours lost in paint, brush and thoughts. Often, I get lost in the art, conjuring up stories or scenarios that fit with a scene. Take the piece pictured to the left. I imagined myself on this secluded beach, nestled in the rocks with a book, the sun glistening on my skin and the gentle lap of the ocean coming up to the shoreline. I transport myself to that place, if only for the time I am creating, even though it may be raining and windy outside. Some people create art for their pleasure, a form of relaxing, rejuvenation of the mind and soul and a pleasure entirely for themselves. There is no intention for the completed artwork, only for the moment. Hobbyist's create for the joy of a hobby that keeps them active, connected and enjoying their pursuits. Often,joining a group with likeminded creatives. There is also the part time or full time artist who creates art for not only the joy but for the purpose of selling their works. Some are creating for the purpose of their work to be hung in a gallery or museum. Ask yourself, am I creating this piece for: it to be in a museum? it to be in a gallery? to be sold? to hang on my wall at home? me to have no expectation? me to enjoy the time relaxing, having fun and forgetting what is going on in my life? There is no right or wrong to any of the reasons we create art. When I am in the studio or out an about creating, I don't have anyone in mind, I don't create with the intention to put the piece up for sale. I create for the joy, the experieince and the sheer enjoyment and pleasure of creating. I personally think, for me, it takes the pressue off, it allows you the freedom to explore, break the rules, have fun, create without expectation. If someone loves what I have created enough to purchase it, take it to their home and enjoy it, that is all I can ask for beyond my pleasure. Are you a creator or an admirer? Leave your comments below. |
AuthorLee Cummins is a mixed media artist, workshop and art class facilitator. Archives
January 2025