![]() My life before art was quite varied. I worked in corporate before exploring the world of self and personal development, amongst my qualifications I am a Certified Life & Business Coach, Cognitive Therapy Practitioner, Breakthrough Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. Believe it or not these specific qualifications also help me in my art business. In art and life you have problems to solve every day both in your business and your artwork. There is one word that helps break down the problem and delve into the issue. It has three little letter and yet it has a BIG impact! Are you wondering what that word might be? I was introduced to the process over 25 years ago and it still works today as effectively as it has done in the past. The word is Why? Yes, three little letters with a big impact. I am going to break this down in to the most simplistic format for the purpose of this post. When something isn’t quite right or you want to confirm you are doing the right thing as yourself why. You keep going to at least 5 or until you have exhausted all answers, you eventually get closer to the reality and your truth. If you have children or remember being a child, what was the one word that drives parents insane? Why! Let’s never stop asking this powerful question, you never know where it will lead. So back to how it helps me in life and my art. An example, say I have a painting and it isn’t working, I ask myself why. Answer: It feels like it is off balance. Why? Answer: The composition is wrong. Why? Answer: The horizon line is off putting. Why? Answer: It isn’t in the right place. Why? Answer: It’s breaking the painting up, by being in the middle of the painting. You can see from my example; by asking why, I concluded as to why the painting composition isn’t working. Now I now how to fix it, work on my horizon line. This is a very cutdown version of the power of why, I am sure you can find more online about the power of why. Next time you have a little dilemma, try my little trick, you might just be amazed at how powerful a word it can be. Featured Artwork: Unnamed (Available Feb '25) If you would like to share a thought, please comment below.
![]() For the first time in a long time, I have had extended time off over the festive season. I was able to spend time with my Mum and dad who visited from Perth for Christmas. I can honestly say it has been very cathartic. The recent hot weather here in Melbourne meant that my hubby and I spent two days in the aircon, reading, watching a bit of TV and doing mundane things in the house. It was fabulous! Each year at the end of the year, I sit down and think about what I would like for the coming year. I then create a vision board for that year. This is also the time I tick off what was achieved on the current years vision board. Except for one bold audacious goal, everything had a tick next to it for 2024. This was very pleasing to see. Although, we can start a project, set goals, make plans and move ourselves forward any day of the year, the start of the year seems to be the one most people choose as a line in the sand. Some of the areas I want to focus on in 2025 to make positive changes are in in the area of my personal and creative life. Often, we can put areas on hold to focus on another area, which can lead to an imbalance. So, what does this have to do with art? Having a balanced life can help in so many ways with your creativity and can open up the portal to success in every area. I am aiming on spending time catching up with people I didn’t get to spend as much time with as I would have liked to. I also want to spend more time creating for myself. It is true I create art with each art class I run, that is my practice sessions so to speak, I mean creating pieces that sing to me. I want to Spend time experimenting and playing using my sketchbooks. Now all I must do is fit this in with my planned travel and classes for 2025. What a great problem to have, don’t you think? How do you start the new year? Leave your comments below Featured photo: A page from my grid sketchbook "Loose & abstract landscapes" ![]() Now is the time of year, I sit back and evaluate the year that was. I look at what worked well, what needs improvement and plans for the following year. Reflection is a good thing. It allows us time to look back on the year that was and take stock of the intricacies of where we have been. As I sat and evaluated both my personal and professional journey, there were some moments of pure joy and moments of challenges. In 2024, hubby and I decided to bite the bullet and get some renovations completed at home. We had just lost our beautiful fur baby of almost 16 years. It seemed like the right time to get things done as now it was just the two of us to consider. We needed to completely empty the house for the workmen to come in and remove our old flooring and to lay new flooring. The garage and enclosed patio, also affectionately known as “Art in the Garden Room” were filled with the everything from the house. Along the way there were a few little hiccups, such as new toilets to be installed which we hadn’t planned. The dust was unbelievable as the tiles were jackhammered out. Thank goodness we had our caravan; this became our temporary home for five weeks. The flooring was finished, and the painters arrived to paint the inside of the house. They would return a few weeks later to complete the outside. It was all systems go. Hubby and I still had both of our businesses to keep going. As the enclosed patio was filled with our belongings, Creative Circle needed to be moved to another location for a term. The mid-year Open Studio was put on hold, with only the summer one being held. Looking back at my art business, I was pleased to see growth even with the renovations taking up a lot of bandwidth for a period of time. In 2024, I launched the free monthly pain outs. The first month was just three of us meeting up in a local park. Although, a very chilly morning, the sun was out, and we had a fabulous time. Since the first paint out more creatives are joining in as we venture to some of the beautiful locations in the City of Kingston. I have been fortunate enough to meet the most amazing creatives along the way and connect with wonderful people. I have entered several art shows and had my artwork accepted, sold a record number of artworks, and run over 100 classes each year and this is to increase in 2025. Taking stock of the year that was, now is the time to set up plans for the year that will be. Do you assess your year? Do you make plans for the following year? Leave your comments below. Featured Artwork: Unnamed - available in 2025 ![]() Loneliness is on the rise in Australia, I imagine we are not alone, and it is happening globally. It is not fussy about your age or gender According to the APS (Australian Psychological Society) one in four Australians feel lonely. During the 2020 and beyond lockdowns, this number may have been significantly higher. There is a plethora of information and statistics on the internet regarding loneliness and it’s mental, physical and health factors. The facts are frightening. I know when I moved to Melbourne coming up now 27 years ago, I didn’t know anyone. There wasn’t any family here, initially there weren’t any work colleagues, it was me on my Pat Malone. I found the loneliness extreme for the first three months. It was a fight to keep mentally positive. To meet new people, I attended courses such as photography and golf lessons. Each of them got me out of the house and meeting new people. It was an opportunity to break the isolation factor. Recently, I was running one of my art classes and, it caused me to think back to my own efforts to fight loneliness. I listened as the conversation hit a crescendo of multiple conversations, laughter and connection. Could art classes help the loneliness epidemic? Could those few hours each week, create deeper connections, could they foster a feeling of community and belonging? I believe it can. Those few hours of sitting in a room with likeminded individuals, deep in thought, or sharing titbits of daily life, recommendations of a movie or recipe, or a glimpse into family life, as you create, paint, and draw, transport you into another world. Does a world of connection and creativity, enjoying a new hobby or interest, come from those regular art classes? What re your thoughts? Do you think art and art classes could help with the loneliness epidemic? Please leave your comments below. Featured Artwork: Cityscape on the River ![]() Recently, I have exhibited in local art shows and exhibitions. I was very fortunate that several of my pieces sold at the shows. On two occasions, I was able to meet the collector of my artworks. What came up in the conversations was how the artwork spoke to them. The pieces were quite different, watercolour and abstract mixed media landscapes. I know when I am creating a piece, I almost get this giddy feeling and butterflies. When I experience those feelings, I know I am happy with what I have produced. It may take time during the process for this to come up, sometimes it can be immediate within the first layer. It made me wonder if similar feelings came up for the observer of art. Does the art talk to them through feelings, emotions, memories. Does the art take them back to a time and place, does it send them into an unknown exciting future, through the art piece? I know, personally artwork feeds my soul, both purchasing and creating. It evokes emotions and mostly brings joy. Art is for everyone and is always a welcome addition into ones life. Do you have an art piece that has evoked an emotion for you? Do you create art and have physical or emotional responses to what you create? Leave your comments below. Featured Artwork: Entertaining Angels and Friends ![]() A few years ago, now, I attended a course that had all of us working on multiple paintings at one time using a grid. I found it to be exhilarating. AT that particular course the substrate was divided into six equal sectors. You worked across the entire painting (abstract) ignoring the tape that divided your work. Once the paint had dried and the final marks were placed on your artwork it was time for the big reveal. As you pulled away the tape, individual paintings came to life. What had looked like a mish mash of paint and marks became beautiful pieces of work to be admired and appreciated. Since completing the course, I continue to use this method when creating mini works ensuring that I keep a loose flow to my pieces. With my open studio happening next month, I have been using this method to create some mini loose landscapes. My Natures Twist series was also completed this way, I laid out my canvas panels along a large table and worked on the pieces as a group as opposed to each individual one. I find colour consistency and the looseness of the work produces artwork I can not create when working on singular work. Do you prefer loose landscapes or my realistic landscapes? Please leave your comments below. Featured Artwork: Half Past Three from the Natures Twist series ![]() I love attending art classes, as a participant. I get to take the time to be in my own creative head space. I learn different techniques, mediums and experiment with new ideas. One idea that really got me excited was painting using a messy background to create figures and florals. So excited was I that on I continued on with the process and felt a newfound excitement in what I was creating. The excitement felt like I was a child back playing, creating and making some really fun art. Before I knew it, I had started to create some really cute gals, they needed names and a story as they came to life before my eyes. GIven my work is inspired by nature, these classy ladies are a departure to my current works. So why have I called them "Mildred Paints"? I felt child like and free when creating these beauties. well, here is the short story behind it. When I was a small child, possibly from a baby, my Dad had a nickname for me. I don't know where it came from, how he came up with it, but I loved it. As he did the countdown to throwing me into bed at bedtime, he would call me "Mildred Knickynooker". I love the name; it brings back memories of me as a child with my Mum and Dad. So there you have it, why I have called this series "Mildred Paints". I feel like these gals could be your friends, family member or you....... who knows. I had so much fun creating them, plus loads of feedback that they made people laugh. Mildred Paints was born, bringing colour and playfulness to my art practice. I hope you enjoy them as much as I love creating them. They are going to be around for a long time. Featured Artwork: Carla and the girls Feel free to leave a comment below ![]() When was the last time you played with no agenda, no outcome required, and just faffed around? As each year passes into adulthood, we are less likely to experience a time of play as priorities and responsibilities change. Spending time doing something fun without any particular required outcome, or faffing about, I like to call it, is relaxing and can be very cathartic. As an artist, we are encouraged to play, experiment and just let go of the outcome. This weekend I spent time in my studio and decided to have a play with my watercolours. Throwing on some colour in my sketchbook and letting it dry, I looked at what I could make of the wash I had laid down. I had no intention for what I was doing, I had no desired outcome, I was going to play. Allowing time to experiment, play and let go of outcomes can lead to some amazing discoveries. I mostly use a sketchbook for any playtime and can reference anything I have done that I can use in future artwork. Enjoying the moment and letting go of the outcome can be so rewarding on so many levels. My hubby likes to get out in the garden and move things around, pot up plants, change locations of items and spend time experimenting with what looks good and what he can do to improve an area. There isn't any specific outcome in mind, just time lost in his thoughts and in the garden. Whether it be in the art studio, the garden, tinkering in the shed or fussing in a craft room, the joy of playing can't be beaten. Do you take time to play without a specific outcome? Leave a comment below to share what you do. Featured Artwork: A pen and wash, from my watercolour sketchbook ![]() In the past, I have written about how creating art can have a positive impact on your mindset and overall emotional vitality. Art can evoke emotions in the creative with every mark made on the paper. We can get lost in the mood, and get carried away in our thoughts and the feelings behind every stroke of the brush, pen, or pencil. I remember with the loss of a family member in 2023, I locked myself in my studio and painted, remembering last words, lost memories and feeling bewildered and alone. The paintbrush and colours played on the panel as the tears streamed down my face. The emotions were raw, and the painting was just what I needed to do at the time. Sight, smell, sound and touch are senses that can trigger memories both good and challenging. I am sure you have heard a song on the radio, and it has transported you back to a time far, far away. A smell has taken you back to a family holiday by the beach, or the scent of a fragrance reminds you of your Mum. Art can evoke emotions as we view the finished piece, it can transport us back to a time once forgotten, a missed opportunity, a true love, or a person. Art can bring about tears of joy, tears of triumph or tears of loss. A friend of mine is an incredibly talented artist who, amongst other things immortalises on paper animals for those that have lost their pets. I am sure those artworks would spark emotions for the owner. Next time you are engaging with a piece of art, feel the emotion and enjoy the process. It truly is a blessing. Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Featured Artwork: Down by the River ![]() When I picked up painting again, I went straight into acrylic paint. It was fun and forgiving and I enjoyed the medium. Over the last couple of years, I have taken lessons in watercolour, pastels and gouache. I love various mediums, given I do mixed media, that is a good thing! For the last twelve months, I have been enjoying the medium of gouache. So what is gouache, I hear you ask. Gouache is a water-based paint not dissimilar to watercolour, it is however, matte, opaque and creamy. Being similar to watercolour, it is more opaque, which means you can layer from dark to light and correct mistakes. I love how the medium quickly dries to a matte finish, making it ideal for photographing, and scanning for prints and doesn't have that shine. As I have been venturing out on en plein air excursions, gouache is an ideal medium to take out and about. It is compact enough for a small palette, dries reasonably quickly and can be activated with water. I enjoy being able to sketch and then paint while I am out, sometimes in my sketchbook and sometimes on watercolour paper. These en plein air paintings are then reference guides for future work. The fact I can paint in the colours of the day is ideal to capture the moment, the shadows, the highlights and the essence of the session. Although you can paint larger paintings using gouache, it is often associated with smaller works from an A3 - A5 painting. Smaller work on A3 to A5 is ideal when you have limited time and space, making gouache the perfect medium. The artwork you see here is a small artwork on paper using gouache. This was done with an initial light translucent wash and then layered with a more creamy gouache texture to give depth to the piece. Have you heard of gouache or do you use it? Leave your comments below, I would love to see your comments. Featured Artwork: The outback shed ![]() I know the saying well, "life gets in the way". Back in mid-March, we signed the papers to have some work done in our house. By most people’s reckoning it is small works which includes new flooring and painting throughout the house. I decided the following weekend to get a head start on culling what wasn’t needed anymore. I was going along quite well and then we headed to Perth for my dad’s special birthday celebrations. Unfortunately, both hubby and I got sick. Nevertheless, on our return we started the arduous task of packing up a house that we moved into seventeen years ago. Oh, boy! Enough of the scene setting………. Throughout this time, I mostly have only been able to create artwork at classes. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful I have this opportunity. Creating art in classes is very different to creating art on my own in my own space and mostly in silence. I enjoy the solitude and quiet time creating. Occasionally I may play a podcast or some quiet music but mostly I work in silence. I also can play and experiment, paint over explore colour options and develop ideas in my space. One final thing I have noticed is I miss that relaxation time. Life has certainly taken priority over the last few months and will continue to for at least another 5 weeks. I am missing my creating for me time, I do know it’s not too far away. Thank goodness for art classes, I get to enjoy creativity with a great bunch of people at the classes. As the work picks up in the house this week, I am hoping to pick up the paint brushes in my art shed and get the creativity flowing again. Have you had a time where life got in the way of your hobby, desire or plans? Share any strategies or your tips in the comments below.We would love to see them. Featured artwork: Waterside ![]() For as long as I can remember, I have always had a community around me. Growing up in a small outer suburb in WA, I belonged to the church youth group, at school I was part of the Rotary club for juniors. Being part of a community has always been important to me. I continued to build a community well into my adult life, including founding Connect Her Women's Business Network. A pesky little virus ended that prematurely. Community is where we come together to serve, through service, we then grow as individuals. It creates an opportunity to learn, teach, experiment, develop and well-being. There is a certain joy in sharing knowledge, learning from others, trying new things and opening up growth opportunities, whilst building new connections. Recently, I visited a new community of creatives. I was blown away by the diversity of artists, the acceptance of new people, the sharing of knowledge and the offering of genuine and authentic feedback. The artwork you see here came from a conversation at the beginning of the morning and led me to experiment on the day. It is completely different to what I normally produce, it was fun, it was exciting and most importantly, it was created in a safe environment. Communities can come in many forms from art classes, creative circles, and monthly paintouts to pizza and paint days. Belonging to a community and developing relationships with other creatives is a surefire way to grow and expand your skills. You never know what life brings! Do you belong to a community or would you like to be part of one? Comment below. ![]() At the time of writing, this morning was the monthly paint out on a cold, windy and drizzly morning. It would have been oh, so easy to snuggle up in bed and not venture out into the Melbourne Autumn weather. Yet, eight of us rugged up, packed up art supplies and made our way to the park and gathered under the rotunda. We all came with varying degrees of art kits, chairs, cushions and layers. For some it was the first time to paint en plein air, for others, it was a familiar way to spend a Saturday. We were all there for the enjoyment of spending some time to indulge in our love of creating, being outdoors and most importantly connecting with like-minded creatives. The monthly paint out sessions is not about who makes the prettiest work, the best kit or has the best skills, it is about the enjoyment of connection, and the people, it is about painting and creating too. I believe the biggest benefit of the monthly paint out is putting ourselves in the priority seat. It's great to take two hours once a month on a weekend to say hey everyone “I’m not available on this morning, this is my morning of meeting up and doing what I enjoy.” The pleasure that is derived from being in the fresh air, chatting with familiar friendly faces and losing yourself on the page of the sketchbook is so fulfilling. Sharing ideas, tips, and stories and finding out more about each other is building a new group of people to enjoy. As we pack up and finish our hot drinks, the chatter reaches a crescendo of last-minute info and well wishes until the next time we meet. We all head off back to our various tasks for the day, helping each other to take our bits and bobs to the car, and then off we go. And that is what meeting monthly and painting outdoors is all about, painting, people and priorities. Do you want to join us? It’s free and everyone is welcome. Visit here to register for the next one. ![]() As much as I would love to have hours and hours to sit and paint, the reality is, it just doesn't happen very often. Like many of us, to be able to paint for several hours in one go is a luxury and one that doesn't happen as often as I would like. With running art classes and an impending house renovation calling for attention, I manage to carve some time into my week to play in the sketchbook and lately creating mini landscapes. These landscapes are half an A4 size paper,or some are 20cm x 20cm. The paper has a luxurious feel as it is 100% cotton watercolour paper and is a pleasure to work on. Allowing myself an hour or so to work on a landscape or finish one off means I am still able to create for my art business. Most importantly, I continue to keep that creative muscle working. The joy of time carved out of a busy schedule helps to calm my mind, taking time to forget about what is happening around me, my to do list or anything else that pops up. Growing up, I had no idea my grandmother my dad's side was an artist. It wasn't until recent years I found out she worked with charcoals and watercolour. I now sit and wonder if this was her stress release from her busy life of being a nurse, mother and living on a poultry farm. Besides the escapism, the joy of honing my skills with watercolour and gouache on small works. You can see some of my current mini landscapes created during these times. Please feel free to leave a comment below. ![]() I can sit and while away hours lost in paint, brush and thoughts. Often, I get lost in the art, conjuring up stories or scenarios that fit with a scene. Take the piece pictured to the left. I imagined myself on this secluded beach, nestled in the rocks with a book, the sun glistening on my skin and the gentle lap of the ocean coming up to the shoreline. I transport myself to that place, if only for the time I am creating, even though it may be raining and windy outside. Some people create art for their pleasure, a form of relaxing, rejuvenation of the mind and soul and a pleasure entirely for themselves. There is no intention for the completed artwork, only for the moment. Hobbyist's create for the joy of a hobby that keeps them active, connected and enjoying their pursuits. Often,joining a group with likeminded creatives. There is also the part time or full time artist who creates art for not only the joy but for the purpose of selling their works. Some are creating for the purpose of their work to be hung in a gallery or museum. Ask yourself, am I creating this piece for: it to be in a museum? it to be in a gallery? to be sold? to hang on my wall at home? me to have no expectation? me to enjoy the time relaxing, having fun and forgetting what is going on in my life? There is no right or wrong to any of the reasons we create art. When I am in the studio or out an about creating, I don't have anyone in mind, I don't create with the intention to put the piece up for sale. I create for the joy, the experieince and the sheer enjoyment and pleasure of creating. I personally think, for me, it takes the pressue off, it allows you the freedom to explore, break the rules, have fun, create without expectation. If someone loves what I have created enough to purchase it, take it to their home and enjoy it, that is all I can ask for beyond my pleasure. Are you a creator or an admirer? Leave your comments below. |
AuthorLee Cummins is a mixed media artist, workshop and art class facilitator. Archives
January 2025